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If you mean which organelle has a bilayer as opposed to a monolayer, well all organelles have bilayer membranes. There are organelles that do not hvae a membrane though.

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Q: What organelles have more than one membrane?
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What Is in eukaryotes?

A eukaryotic cell consists of a nucleus, more than one vacuole (usually), a nuclear membrane, and many organelles.

What is in the eukaryotic?

A eukaryotic cell consists of a nucleus, more than one vacuole (usually), a nuclear membrane, and many organelles.

What makes up eukaryote?

eukaryotes are organism composed of one or more cells that contain distinct membrane bounded organelles and nuclei.

Which organelles are not covered by A membrane?

As a general rule, practically all the internal organelles of a cell are covered by a protective membrane, except for one type, which couldn't even be called a real organelle, and those are the Ribosomes. More a macromolecular assemble than a cell organelle, the reason because they aren't membrane-bound is because they can directly interact with the membrane in order to exchange proteins, so, having their own membrane would actually act as a barrier for them to do their job correctly.

Does organelles allow eukaryotic cells to carry out more functions than prokaryotic cells?

Yes, the amount of organelles will differ in cells depending on their function. For example, muscle cells will have more mitochondria to provide more energy. Some organelles will just be larger; for example, the smooth ER is responsible for detoxification. There will only be one smooth ER unit in every cell, but cells involved in detox like liver cells will have a larger smooth ER.

What do eukaryote cells have that prokayote cells do not?

A nucleus for one, plus multiple organelles including mitochondria.

Does a Peroxisome have a double membrane?

No lysosomes do not have double membrane . They are single membrane organells .

Bacteria without a cell wall?

All cells can be classified into one of two groups based on the presence or absence of a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.Cells containing a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are classified as eukaryotic. Alternately, cells that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles areprokaryotic.

What kind of cell doesnt have membrane covered organelles?

Prokaryotes have no membrane covered organelles. The word means 'before the nut'. 'Nut' in this case is a nucleus. These are primitive one-celled organisms like bacteria.

What two groups of organelles in the story that are quarreling with one another?

prokaryotic and eukaryotic

How would you differentiate the plasma membrane and the other organelles?

The plasma membrane is the cell barrier, the organelles are all the things floating around inside that barrier

Do cells with walls also have membranes?

there is more than one type of membrane, like cell membrane, plamsa membrane ect.. every cell has at least one type of membrane