Try Lee, Elizabeth, Ariana, Arielle, or Catherine. Since Jade is an either gender name, Jade Marie sound well together as well as Jade Michael. J and M names fit together well.
That depends on how much you value it.
Jade has more density than a diamond. While a nice size jade block "may" fracture a diamond; the diamond "will always" scratch the jade stone. Many people confuse the diamond with being a strong stone. It is not! In fact the diamond is easily fractured. The diamond is however very hard (not strong but very hard) Diamonds can scratch just about every surface on earth.
Maya (My-Uh) Macy Rae Jamie
Jade was undoubtedly found by humankind in prehistoric times, so it will never be known who was the first to focus their attention on it.
The rarest type of jade is known as "imperial jade." It is a vivid green jade that is highly translucent and has an intense color saturation. Imperial jade is predominantly found in Myanmar and is considered the most valuable and sought-after type of jade in the world.
No, Jade can not be found in Illinois.
you can go to Chicago and you might find jade in a jewelry store or a pon shop or a Asian store.
Countries known for jade mining include Myanmar (Burmese jade), China, Russia, and Guatemala. Myanmar is particularly renowned for its high-quality jadeite, known as "imperial jade."
Jade is the generic term for nephrite and jadeite. It's found in quite a few places. China is well known for its jade and jade carvings dating back thousands of years. Jade was considered a royal gem by the Chinese. British Columbia, Canada is also well known for both its deposits of jade and carvings. It's also found in Russia, Myanmar (Burma), Guatemala, New Zealand and the Swiss Alps. Many cultures have valued jade and produced stunning works of art with it. But it was originally used to make weapons with because of its hardness, dating back 7000 years. It comes in a variety of colours; white, grey, black, yellow, orange, violet and the more familiar green.
Yes you can