To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply by 100 (and simplify)
100/125 = 100/125 x 100 %
= 80 %
80 percent of 125 is 100.
125 x (1 - (20/100)) = 125 x 0.8 = 100 Therefore, a 20 percent reduction from 125 is 100.
125*60%/100% = 125*0.6 = 75
25/20 x 100 = 125 Therefore, 25 is 125 percent of 20.
n x 125/100 = 600 n = 600 x 100/125 = 480
% rate = 125/100 * 100% = 125%
80 percent of 125 is 100.
125/100 = 1.25 = 125%
125 x (1 - (20/100)) = 125 x 0.8 = 100 Therefore, a 20 percent reduction from 125 is 100.
80 percent of 125 is 100.
percent of change from 125 to 135 = 8%% change =|original value - new value|/original value * 100%= |125 - 135|/125 * 100%= 10/125 * 100%= 0.08 * 100%= 8%
125 - 20% = 100
125 - 20% = 80% of 125 = 125*80/100 = 100
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal notation: 125 / 100 = 1.25
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal equivalent: 125 / 100 = 1.25
125 percent = 125/100 = 5/4 = 1 1/4
125% = 125/100 = 5/4