41% = 41/100 This fraction will not simplify any further, because '41' is a prime number and NOT a factor of '100'.
82% means 82/100 41/50 is the simplest form
41% Remember the percent sign(%) means 'over one hundred'. So 41% can be written as 41/100. This will not cancel down as 41 is a prime number. As a decimal we take the fraction 41/100 and divide '41' by '100'. the answer is 0.41 .
41% is not equivalent to it.
41% = 0.41
0.82 and 41/50 are equivalent to 82%
41% = 41/100 This fraction will not simplify any further, because '41' is a prime number and NOT a factor of '100'.
41 percent = 41% = 41/100 = 0.41
41 over 100 as a percent is 41%.
41 percent = 41/100
41 percent (41%) = 0.41
16.7 percent of 41 percent = 0.06847
41 percent percent of 40 = 0.164