What percent of 9 is 6 = 6 / 9 = 0.666667
Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
It is 634. 9-3 = 6 9-6 = 3 9-5 = 4 365 +634 =999 No regrouping required.
Q can do the work in 6 days. ( Time taken by P will be more than Q i.e their time ratio will be 150:100 and this is to 9:x, or 150:100::9:X which will give value of X as 6)
3/5, 6/10, 9/15
Because they show the same ratio. 2 is to 3 as 4 is to 6 as 6 is to 9.
It is: 6% of 150 = 9
6% of 9= 6% * 9= 0.06 * 9= 0.54
this equation makes no sense, 6% of what?
9/6 = 1.5 OR 150%
66.6666666% 6/9 = x/100 : x = 100 * (6/9) = 66.67 %
9 + 6% = 9 x (1 + (6/100)) = 9 x 1.06 = 9.54
The difference between 6%, 9%, and 12% Hydrogen Peroxide solution is the Hydrogen content.
9% of 150 is 13.5
6 per hundred and you have 9 hundreds...Try 6 x 9...
To find 150 percent of a value, multiply the value by 1.5. In this instance, 1.5 x 6 = 9 feet. Therefore, 150 percent of 6 feet is equal to 9 feet.
In a 3-6-9 fertilizer, the numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. So, in this case, there would be 6% phosphorus in the fertilizer.