and, since to convert from decimal to percent, you multiply by 100,
.75 is 75%
6/8 = 3/4 = 75 percent
3 over 4 3/4 -Fraction 75% -Percentage 0.75 -Decimal
Expressed as a percentage, 5/6 is equal to 83.3 recurring (that is, 83.3333...) percent. Expressed as a percentage, 7/8 is equal to 0.875 percent. 7.8 is therefore larger than 5/6.
7/8 in decimal form is .875 which as a percentage is 87.5%
percentage of 6/8 = 6/8 * 100% = 75%
To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100%: 6/8 = 6/8 x 100 % = 600/8 % = 75 %
Fraction = 6/8 = 3/4 Percentage = 75%
Expressed as a percentage, 6/8 x 100 = 75 percent.
6 out of 8, or 6/8, is the same as 3/4, which is 75%.
well the percentage of drug in grade 6-8 is about 76%
6/8 = 3/4 = 75%
It is: 75%
% rate:= 6/8 * 100%= 0.75 * 100%= 75%
% rate = 6/8 * 100% = 0.75 * 100% = 75%
75% ?As a percentage it is 75%