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Homer Plessy was 1/8 (.123%) black.

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Q: What percentage of black was Homer Plessy?
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Did Homer Plessy have any disabilities?

No, it appears Homer Plessy was intelligent, healthy and strong. Nothing in the literature suggests otherwise.

When was plessy born?

Homer Plessy was born March 17, 1863.

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Did Homer Plessy have kids?

yes he had eight children

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No. No relationship.

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How did the plessy vs Ferguson case get its name?

From the plaintiff, Homer Plessy, and the defendant, John Howard Ferguson.

What are facts about Homer Plessy?

He was one eighth african American

When did Homer plessy die?

He died on March 1, 1925. :)

Where do homer plessy live?

he live in new Orleans Louisiana