Maths is fun for some people but some people ( e.g. me ) find math boring. Its probably because we dont like using our brain for stuff and we find calculators our math saviours
Approximately 25 to 30 percent of people enjoy math.
you always use math in your life weather you are adding , subtracting , multipling or dividing you are always using math ! there is not a day that goes by that people dont use math !
25 cents. ok ty because i dont like math and i really need help in math -.- cuz math suck balls!!:D
If I do not like math, then I do not like science.
I do like it - a lot.
The answer is I dont like math sorry!! :D
Maths is fun for some people but some people ( e.g. me ) find math boring. Its probably because we dont like using our brain for stuff and we find calculators our math saviours
when you dont like something or you are not goot at something. for example if u say "suugaku ga nigate" that would mean you're not good at math or you dont like math.
It depends, if you are good at math then it would be very easy. But, if you dont like math then...........its hard. sorry > )
because they like math
Oh, dude, you're asking me to do math? Like, really? Okay, fine. 43 hundredths as a percentage is 43%. Boom. Math wizard right here.
Not all people with aspergers like math. One of the aspergers myths, is that they all love and/or are gifted in math. However, some do seem like they're gifted in math, while others might have trouble.
alot of ppl i dont feel lyk doing the math
Let's put it this way: if you dont feel like doing your math problems, it can do it for you :).
Approximately 25 to 30 percent of people enjoy math.