it describes the data shown simply in a short phrase
Which phrase describes the variable expression 6.w
I'm having trouble making out the list of choices from here.
a hammock
form_title= Hammock Chair form_header= Relax with a hammock in your yard! What size hammock do you want?*= _ [50] Do you what a free standing hammock?*= () Yes () No Are you replacing an old hammock?
which phase best describes a thesis
Which phrase best describes the basis of seals taxes
If the phrase describes (modifies) a noun or pronoun, it's an adjective phrase. If the phrase describes a verb, adjective, or adverb, it's an adverb phrase.
which phase best describes a thesis
Hammock is a noun.
You can use Metal Pole or you can hang a hammock under a deck or use any hammock stand.
form_title= Hammock Stands form_header= Relax with nature in your hammock. Will more than one person be using the hammock at one time?*= () Yes () No What is the size of the hammock?*= _ [50} What do you want the stand to be made from?*= _ [50}
A banana hammock is similar to a Speedo but a banana hammock has a g-string back.
A stock phrase that describes a person, place, or thing
This phrase means that something or someone describes you totally