9 is in ones place.
9 is in tens place.
In the number 9376, the digit 9 is in the hundreds place. The place value of 9 is determined by its position in the number relative to the decimal point. In this case, the hundreds place is two places to the left of the decimal point. Therefore, the place value of 9 in 9376 is 900.
In the number 962000, the digit 9 is in the hundreds place. Therefore, the place value of 9 in this number is 900. The hundreds place represents a value of 10^2, which is 100. So, when 9 is in the hundreds place, its value is 9 x 100 = 900.
the place value of the 9 in 27.9 is nine tenths
In the number 19, the face value of 9 is simply 9 itself, as it is the digit at that place. The place value of 9 in this number is 9 multiplied by the place it occupies, which is the units place. Therefore, the place value of 9 in the number 19 is 9.
No, 290 divided by 9 equals 32 with a remainder of 2 or 32.22
The place value of 9 in 1.0309 is hundredths. The 9 is in the fourth decimal place.
The 9 is in the ones place.
9 is in tenths place.
9 is in ones place.
9 is in tens place.
9 is in tens place.
9 is in tenths place.
9 is in tenths place.
The 9 is in the hundredths place
In the number 9376, the digit 9 is in the hundreds place. The place value of 9 is determined by its position in the number relative to the decimal point. In this case, the hundreds place is two places to the left of the decimal point. Therefore, the place value of 9 in 9376 is 900.