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A narwal horn.

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Q: What plus a horse will equal a unicorn?
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Related questions

Who is Unicorn?

A unicorn is a horse with a horn on the top of a unicorns head and plus they can fly as advice unicorns are real because i saw one

What is the antinym of a unicorn?

The antonym of a unicorn could be a horse.

When you breed you're normal mare with a Unicorn what will the foal be?

Either half horse half Unicorn or a Unicorn or a horse. Hard to tell. A DemiCorn.

What is a narwal crossed with a horse?

you get a unicorn

Mythical horned horse?


What is the name of flying horse?


A little horse?

pony or unicorn

What does a unicorn have that a horse is missing?

A horn.

What type of animal is unicorn?

A Unicorn is a cross between a horse and a drunken douschebag from Denmark

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What is the mythical horse has a horn called?

a unicorn

What do call a no horned unicorn?

A horse, of course.