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There are no positive integers less than any negative ones.

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7y ago

There is no positive integer which is less than -6.

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Q: What positive integer less than -6?
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An integer can be negative or positive, so if the integer is, let's say, -6. The opposite, or absolute value, of -6, is 6. So in this case, the opposite has more value than the actual integer. Does that answer the question? :D Best of luck, BrandonRocker98

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If this is an inequality (6 is less than x, or 6 < x), then x is an integer or other value greater than 6.---The variable statement "6 less than x" is (x - 6)This is a value (variable and constant) where the value of x is determined by an equationsuch as x-6 = 4 (x is positive 2) or y = x-6 (y is 6 less than x).

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