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'giga...' = 109

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Q: What power of 10 is giga?
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Giga equals 10 to the power of what?

Giga = 109 ie a billion

What is the metric prefix for 10 to the ninth power?

The metric prefix for 10 to the ninth power is "giga." It is abbreviated as "G" and represents one billion.

A giga prefix signifies what decimal equivalent?

Giga prefix is 10 to the 9th power, so it is 1,000,000,000 (or 1 billion)

How many exaelectronvolt is one-hundred billion gigaelectronvolt?

The prefix "giga" means 10 to the power 9; the prefix "exa" means 10 to the power 18.

How many GB in 1 MB?

A GB is a giga byte, which is larger than a MG or mega byte. A mega byte is 10 to the 6th power, a giga byte is 10 to the 9th power. A giga byte then goes into a mega byte .66666 times. If you need how many mega bytes into a giga byte, it's 1.5.

How much is 10 to the power of 9 Hz?

10 to the power of 9 (109) is one billion (US) or giga- so 109 Hz is 1 GHz.

When was Giga Mamulashvili born?

Giga Mamulashvili was born on 1991-10-02.

What does giga mean in maths?

In computer Math, Giga is 2 raised to power of 30 bytes.

How many kilo watts equal 1 giga watts?

In SI units, the prefix "giga" means 10 to the 9th power and the prefix "kilo" means 10 to the 3rd power. The actual homework problem... er, question... should be easy to solve from the above information.

How many GigaByte in 10 MegaBytes?

there are no giga bytes in 10 mega bytes. there are 1024 mega bytes in a giga byte

What does tera?

"tera" is term used for 10^12 (10 raised to the power 12) or 1 followed by 12 zeroes. Thousand "giga" (which is 10^9) makes one "tera".

How many giga liters are in 1 liter?

1 giga litre is 10^9 or 1000000000 litres