The product is 72
The product of the ten one-digit numbers is 0.
The product of 9x8 is 72.
It is the unit's digit of the product of the unit's digits. For example, the units digit of 123456 * 4689 is simply the units digit of 6*9 = 54, which is 4.
The sum of 72 and 12 is 84. The product of the two numbers is 864.
7*2 = 14
The product is 72
the product of 8 and 9 is 72
Product in maths is multiplication.Therefore, 9 x 8 = 72
9*4*2 = 72
The product of the ten one-digit numbers is 0.
1*72 = 72
The product of 9x8 is 72.