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A trapezoid can have these specifications. 90 degrees by 90 degrees by n degrees<90degrees by n degrees>90degrees. The total of the trapezoid's angles must be 360 degrees.

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Q: What quadrilateral has more than one obtuse angle but no parallel?
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Is a kite a quadrilateral shape with more then one obtuse angle and no parallel sides?


What quadrilateral shape has more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

A general quadrilateral or a kite.

What has more than 1 obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

How about a kite which is a 4 sided quadrilateral that can have 2 equal opposite obtuse angles

What quadrilateral has more than one obtuse angle and no parallel sides?

I don't think there's a special name for that.

What is the generalization for a obtuse triangle quadrilateral and pentagon?

Not sure what the question means. A triangle or quadrilateral may but need not contain an obtuse angle. A pentagon or any polygon with more sides must contain at least one obtuse angle.

What shape has more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel lines?


Why can't a quadrilateral have more than three obtuse angle?

because if it has more than three obtuse angles than its not a quadrilateral.This is because a quadrilateral has 360 degrees, right? Well an obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 degrees. That being said the smallest obtuse angle you can have is 91 degrees. If you have four obtuse angles, then the sum of them is greater than 360 (ex: 91+91+91+91=364) and it's geometrically impossible to draw a quadrilateral with 4 obtuse angles.Three obtuse angles are possible if the fourth is acute(less then 90 degrees) and they all add up to 360.-skerr7464

What shape has more than one obtuse angle and no parallel sides?

a diamond does. There are two obtuse angles in it.

What has an obtuse angle?

An obtuse triangle can have at most one obtuse angle.A quadrilateral can have up to 3.Every regular polygon (shapes with equal sides and angles) with more sides than a square has obtuse angles.PentagonHexagonHeptagonOctagonNonagonDecagon

What has more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

A kite could fit the given description.

What is a obtuse angle means?

A Obtuse Angle Is A Angle That Is More And A 90 degree.

Has a rhombus got more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

A rhombus always has four equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It may have either two obtuse angles or no obtuse angles. If it has no obtuse angles, then that particular rhombus also qualifies as a square.