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Secretarybird found in Africa

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Q: What rapter noted for its long legs?
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What are some carnivore dinosaurs?

t-rex, rapter, t-rex, rapter,

The starter on my rapter turns but it wont start rapter?

what year is your rapter? 01-03 rapters are notorious for having trouble with the (starter oneway clutch) if it freespins and makes nasty growl noises. that's whats wrong with mine to.

What date is the rapter?

During the Jurassic era.

What is in smoke detectors?

really old rapter

What is ROR in smoke detector?

really old rapter

How long is daddy long legs legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

How know how long your legs are?

It depends on how long your legs are so it is not possible to know how long your legs are.

Why do basset hounds have long legs?

They don't have long legs, their legs are quite short.

What hunts a raptor?

donos such as the t rex hunted the rapter,after that nothing ells

How fast does a rapter 660 go?

it can get up to about 78mph. i clocked it its very fast

How long is a daddy long leg's legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

Does elephant are short or long legs?

As long as a piece of string