Since 2.33333... is a repeating decimal (or recurring decimal), it is a rational number.
Yes. Any terminating decimal is a rational number. Any repeating decimal also.
.833 IS a repeating decimal. This is a rational number as well as it has a repetitive pattern.
Any repeating decimal digits (this includes repetition after a certain point, e.g. 2.4510101010...) is a rational number.
Divide the numerator of the rational number by its denominator. The quotient is the decimal equivalent.
The rational number that has 0.34 repeating as its decimal equivalent can be expressed as a fraction. To convert the repeating decimal 0.34 to a fraction, we can use the formula for repeating decimals, which is x = a/(10^m - 1), where a is the repeating part of the decimal and m is the number of repeating digits. In this case, a = 34 and m = 2, so the fraction is 34/99. Therefore, the rational number is 34/99.
Yes, a rational number can be a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat infinitely. For example, 1/3 is a rational number that can be written as the repeating decimal 0.333...
A terminating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, repeating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, non-repeating decimal is an irrational number.
No. A rational number is any terminating numeral. A repeating decimal is irrational.
Repeating decimals are always rational.
Any rational number is either a repeating decimal, or a terminating decimal.
All repeating decimals are rational numbers. Not all rational numbers are repeating decimals.
Since 2.33333... is a repeating decimal (or recurring decimal), it is a rational number.
No. It is a rational number. Any repeating decimal or terminating decimal is rational.
Yes. Any terminating decimal is a rational number. Any repeating decimal also.
It is either a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal.