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.25 caliber

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How many bullets in a 25 pistol?

It depends on the make and model of .25 caliber handgun, but, generally the magazine would hold at least 5 rounds with one in the chamber for a total of 6 rounds. The correct terms for "bullets" are "rounds" or "cartridges", a bullet is the projectile that exits the firearm.

Can you use a stirling model 110 22 rifle to shot feral pigs if so at what distance and what rounds?

Depends on if it's lawful where you are. If it is, I would not recommend a 22, regardless of load, unless you can put 10 rounds into a target the size of the eye at 50 yards.

What was the recall on a Winchester model 40 12 gauge?

The recall was because of a wrong size recoil spring. the shot guns recoil would break the buttstock after about 100 rounds.

What would 6.08 be rounded to?

It rounds to 6.1

How much is 75 rounds in an airsoft gun?

It is 75 rounds, which would last you about 20 seconds constant fire, and would cost maybe $1.

What is the value of Smith Wesson 22 LR Revolver?

Depends on the model, finish, barrel length, number of rounds it holds, grips, etc. 150-700 would be a best guess.

How much time is used to fire a semiautomatic handgun?

that would depend on number of rounds being fired. Lets say 10 rounds. I would estimate 10 rounds could be gotten off in about 7 to 8 seconds..................

How much bullets does a 357 holds?

That depends on make and model. A typical "snub nosed" compact .357 Magnum revolver would hold five rounds, whereas a full sized revolver will usually hold six. The Desert Eagle .357 Magnum has a standard magazine capacity of nine rounds.

What would 1.58 be if you rounded to the ones?

It rounds to 2

Where can I get a silencer for your marlin model 25

Why would you need a silencer when you could just shoot the .22 cal CB round! these subsonic rounds make nearly no noise and you have the same results.

What does 1.5707 to the nearest percent rounds up to?

1.5707 = 157.07% which rounds up to 158%. To the nearest integer it would round DOWN to 157.It is 1.57

Where can you buy a hicap mag for a Stevens Model 62 22 caliber LR only how many rounds does it hold and how much would it cost?

Savage model 62, 22 long rifle-10 rnd capicity magizine, available online for about $20.00 including shipping.