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Is 3.18 a whole number

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Q: What set of numbers do 3.18 belongs to?
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173 belongs to the set of positive natural numbers and it also belongs to the set of prime numbers.

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10 belongs to the natural integer numbers

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The number -4 belongs to the set of all integers. It also belongs to the rationals, reals, complex numbers.

What Name the set (s) of numbers that 1.18 belongs?

It belongs to the set ofrational numbers,decimal fractions,improper fractions (in decimal form),real numbers,complex numbers,quaternions.

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It belongs to the set of prime numbers

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Rational numbers and Real numbers

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30 belongs to the set of natural numbers

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Real numbers; also the rational numbers.

What set does 10 belong to?

10 belongs to the set "natural numbers", but it can also belong to whole numbers, and rational numbers

It is set of numbers which are written as fraction?

Any number that can be written as a fraction belongs to the set of rational numbers.

Why negative 3 belongs to the set of integers and rational numbers?

Because that is how the set of integers and the set of rational numbers are defined.

Name the sets of numbers to which negative 10 belongs?

Of the "standard sets" -10 belongs to: ℤ⁻ (the negative integers) ℤ (the integers) ℚ⁻ (the negative rational numbers) ℚ (the rational numbers) ℝ⁻ (the negative real numbers) ℝ (the real numbers) ℂ (the complex numbers) (as ℤ ⊂ ℚ ⊂ ℝ ⊂ ℂ). Other sets are possible, eg the even numbers.