A four sided shape with 2 parallel sides is called a trapezium.
A four sided shape with 2 pairs of parallel sides is called a Parallelogram; This includes squares, rectangles and rhombi.
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If it has four equal sides, then two parallel sides implies two PAIRS of parallel sides. The shape is a rhombus.
If the shape (a quadrilateral) has only 2 parallel sides, it is a trapezoid (UK trapezium).A shape with four sides and two sets of parallel sides is a parallelogram (rectangle, square, rhomboid, rhombus) because these figures have four sides and two sets of parallel sides.
Any shape that is not a triangle may have 2 parallel sides, although regular polygons only have parallel sides when the number of sides is even. For a quadrilateral, a trapezoid(UK trapezium) has 1 set of parallel sides and a parallelogram (either a rhombus, rectangle, or square) has 2 sets of parallel sides.
An equilateral hexagon would work. It has more than 2 pairs of parallel sides though. There is no shape with only 2 pairs of parallel sides besides a parallelogram.
A square or a rhombus
For a shape to have parallel sides it needs at least 4 sides
A trapezoid is a shape that has 4 sides and 2 parallel sides. The sides that are parallel are called the bases.
That would be a trapezoid.
A rhombus.
An irregular quadilateral has no 2 parallel sides . A trapezium has a par of parallel sides , which means that it HAS two parallel sides.
A square has 2 parallel sides!! You dumb dumb!
If it has four equal sides, then two parallel sides implies two PAIRS of parallel sides. The shape is a rhombus.
If the shape (a quadrilateral) has only 2 parallel sides, it is a trapezoid (UK trapezium).A shape with four sides and two sets of parallel sides is a parallelogram (rectangle, square, rhomboid, rhombus) because these figures have four sides and two sets of parallel sides.
A rhombus
A trapezium.