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Q: What single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 15 percent and 7 percent?
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How single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 10 percent and 15 percent?


Is a 15 percent discount the same as 3 successive 5 percent discounts?

No, because successive discounts are taken on the discounted price after the first of the successive discounts. Therefore, 3 successive 5 % discounts will total to a smaller discount than one 15 % discount.

What single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 10 percent and 15 percent?

23.5% if the discounts are taken successively, 25 % if the discounts are taken at the same time. The latter is the less usual meaning of this question.

What single discount is equivalent to two successive of 11 percent and 8 percent?


What single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 9 percent and 14 percent?

It is 100*[1 - (1 - 9/100)*(1 - 14/100)] % = 100*[1 - 0.9*0.86] % = 100*[1 - 0.774] % = 100*0.226 % = 22.6 %

What is the cost of a 30 item after successive discounts of 10cents and 20 percent?

When one of the discounts is an absolute discount (10 cents) and the other is relative (20%), it is not posible to give an answer without knowing the starting price.

What is the cost of a 30.00 item after successive discounts of 10 percent and 20 percent?


2598 Successive discounts of 20 percent and 15 percent are equal to a single discount of?

Start with 100. 20% off leaves 80, 15% of 80 is 12, leaving 68, an overall reduction of 32%

What will be the output when adding the discounts 20 percent and 15 percent what is the true discount?

Your question implies that the discounts are applied sequentially, that is the first is applied and then the second is applied to the reduced amount.: To work out the single equivalent discount, you need to work using the value after discount all the way through. A 15% discount can be calculated by working out 15% of the value and subtracting it, but this is also the equivalent of working out 100% - 15% of the original value, that is 85%. Similarly for the 20%, that is working out 100% - 20% = 80% of the original value. So the final value after both discounts is 80% of 85% of the original value which is 80% x 85% = 68% and represents a discount of 100% - 68% = 32%. Thus the discounts of 20% and 15% applied sequentially is equivalent to a single discount of 32%.

What is the equivalent disscount of two successive discount of 5 percent and 20 percent?

Let X be the original price .05X = first discount new price is X-.05X .20(X-.05X) = 2nd discount new price is X -.05X - .20(X-.05X) new price = X - .05X -.20X + .01X = X - .24X equiv discount = .24 = 24%

Does Haband provide coupon codes or discounts?

Yes, Haband definitely offers coupon codes and discounts. Currently, they are offering a 20 percent discount for all purchases over $25. They may have other discounts as well.

What methods are available to obtain discounts when shopping at online discount department stores like Kohls or Sears?

There are some very good discounts right on the websites. Their discount coupons and five percent cash back coupons can easily be obtained online also.