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A remortgage calculator can be found online and for free at sites such as Barclays and Mortgages. Additionally, companies such as Nationwide will have a feature to calculate a remortgage.
There are several sites that offer free GRE test sample question online. Both www.studyguidezone.com and www.testpreview.com provide easy to navigate systems that allow you to answer sample test questions quickly online and assess your performance.
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Free online tutoring is not as good as some paid online tutoring. Even if you pay for tutoring you need to be careful of what service you choose, it has to be a reputable company. You can find tutors on Bigwisdoms community.
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The University of the People is an online college that offers a free tuition. http://www.eduwizards.com/online-tutor.php is website that offers free e-tutoring.
There are many sites for online tutoring. http://www.tutorvista.com/ http://www.tutornext.com/ http://www.smarthinking.com/ if these don't work for you try searching for "Online tutoring" and it will list many more.
One can find free online tutoring at several sites. One can go to the TutorCircle website or the TutorVista site or EduWizards, who offer a free trial before a paid service is needed to continue.
http://www.globalscholar.com/homework-help-online-tutoring/ seems to work. I searched the site and didn't see anything about paying. There are not many online tutoring/learning sites for high schoolers. There is also the option of finding help through YouTube tutorials. Many of them are helpful for specific things and there are many of them available.
You can log on to the website at www.learntobe.org. It is a good avenue where you can have free online tutoring. The other website for consideration is www.tuitionplaza.com/tutoring/. It is another free website that offers quizzes, homework help and discussion forum
General Science is mandatory subjects for every grade. There are numbers of sites which provides online tutoring services for General Science help, such as the one at the link below:
There are great places where you can find online tutoring. There are even sites for specific subjects. This site can give you the information you need. www.tutor.com/
Pl see this site (URL-http://www.satexamprep.com/) which says that they offer a completely free online SAT study guide, with practice tests.(There are many sites that offer Sample or Practice SAT Tests for free)
You can get a free demo tutoring session at http://www.tutorvista.com