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a pyramid

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Q: What solid figure has one polygon base?
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Solid figure with one polygon base and triagular faces?

Such a figure is a pyramid.

Solid figure with one polygon base and triangular faces?

A polygonal pyramid.

A solid figure with one polygon base and triangular faces?

a polygonal prism or a polygond

What is a solid figure with one face that is a polygon?

A polygon is a many sided 2-dimensional figure, and thus could never be "solid" Alternatively, it could be "one face that is a polygon". In that case the solid could be like a pyramid that morphs into a cone or a part-sphere. The base would be the one polygon, the other face would not.

A blank is a solid figure with one blank that is a polygon and three or more faces that are triangles with a common vertex?

Pyramid, base

What solid figure has one polygon base and triangular faces?

If I am correct I'm sure any pyramid does now if you knew what shape the base is or how many triangle faces I could answer

What solid figure has one polygon face and triangles with common vertex?

a pyramid

What solid figure with one polygon base and triangular faces?

Polygonal Prism Actually, it is a polygonal pyramid. A polygonal prism would have two polygonal faces.

A figure with one polygon base and triangular faces?

A geometric figure with a polygonal base and triangular sides is called a pyramid.

What is a three dimensional figure with one base that is a polygon?

It could be a pyramid.

What is a three-dimensional figure with one base that is a polygon?

It can be a triangular based pyramid

What figure has one polygon shaped base?

There are many but I guess that the answer that you are looking for is a pyramid.