Swimming for all for strokes, Free, Breast, Back, and Fly. Just a different type of flip turn used in breast and fly.
I am a 3rd grade tutor looking for vivid examples of a flip, turn, and slides. Can someone please give me their definition, and an example of each.
love to you
Congruent in all three cases.
6. You flip it and it becomes 9 which is 3 more
The stroke is called Freestyle.
When swmming, you DO use a flip turn only on freestyle and backstroke. You do NOT use a flip turn while swimming breaststroke and butterfly. You do NOT use a flipturn while doing a fly to back turn, or a breast to free turn. Some people use a back to breast backwards flip on the wall, but you don't have to, some think it's faster, others don't. It all depends on your technique and how advanced you are as a swimmer.
You can manually change the battle position of a monster once per turn, (but not on the turn it was set or summoned from hand) If you flip a monster face down with Book of Moon or use the effect of Sonic Bird, then you are allowed to flip summon them in the same turn.
flip and then turn
Yes, this is legal. You may perform one Normal Summon or set per turn, and as many Flip Summons as you wish.However you cannot Flip Summon a monster Set that turn, nor if you Flip Summon a monster, turn it face-down in the same turn using an effect, can you Flip Summon it again that turn. Lastly if a monster declares an attack, and is flipped face-down in response, it cannot be Flip Summoned that turn.
flip vertical
It is a flip turn. As you near the wall you do a front flip. Then you push off the wall.
If it really does say it can be flipped face-down on the opponent's turn, then sure, that works. Most however say 'once per turn' and because they are Ignition Effects, it really means once per your turn. But regardless, you can Flip Summon it, attack, then turn it face down in your Main Phase 2. If it is still alive in your next turn, you can Flip Summon it again and turn it face down again. If it gets attacked but survives, then you can still reuse it, just the other way around. Use the effect to turn it face down, then Flip Summon it.
It is an areboic sport because you have to use all of your body to get a good throw. you have to twist and turn your upper body so you use the same motions as aerobic sport.
no, because the battle position cannot be changed.. you prpbably summond a monster which have a flip effect?? true??
any sport that you need to turn your head for it so i think all of them =L