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Q: What submultiple of a milli unit is a micro unit?
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Is micro a metric unit?

Yes, Micro is a metric unit. It is between milli and nano.

Which one is the submultiples of time?

micro second * * * * * No, that is a submultiple of a measurement unit of time - a second. Not of time itself. Time has no submultiples.

Is 125 milli more or less than 112 micro?

Any unit prefixed with the word milli- indicates one thousandth of the main unit. Any unit prefixed with the word micro- indicates one millionth of the main unit. Therefore, 125 of any unit prefixed with milli-, such as milligrams or millimetres, is more than 112 of the same unit prefixed with micro-, for example, micrograms or micrometres.

Is milli the smallest unit out of centi deca and deci?

kilo, hecto, deka, 1 unit, deci, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico

What is smaller micro or milli?

Micro- = 1/1000000 milli- = 1/1000 micro < milli ■

Where does the prefixes milli mega micro nano centi and kilo come from?

Mega = 1,000,000 units kilo = 1,000 units centi = 1/100 unit milli = 1/1,000 unit micro= 1/1,000,000 unit nano = 1/1,000,000,000 unit

How do you define the unit prefixes deci centi milli micro nano pico?

deci = 1/10 unit centi = 1/100 unit milli = 1/1,000 unit micro= 1/1,000,000 unit nano = 1/1,000,000,000 unit pico = 1/1,000,000,000,000 unit

What do the following prefixes indicate micro centi kilo mega milli?

micro - one millionth (0.000001)centi - one hundreth (0.01)Kilo - one thousand (1,000)Mega - one million (1,000,000)milli - one thousandth (0.001)

What does mean mm in chemistry?

- millimetre (mm) is a unit of length in SI, submultiple of the meter.- millimole (mM) is a unit of concentration in SI, submultiple of the mole.

What are the metric units between milli and micro?

Cemicro and demicro

What are the units for mesuring current?

A - ampere is the SI unit for current. But practically we use milli ampere (mA), micro ampere (,u A)

SI unit mass?

The SI unit of mass is the kilogram.