A reasonable estimate of the sum of 78 and 119 is 197.
It is: 190+119 = 309
47 + 72 = 119.
119, 120, 121
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 1015 25 is 5.
Sum means the total amount resulting from the addition of two of more numbers. Therefore, to get the answer, you'll want to add 1015 and 119. 1015 + 119 = 1134.
A reasonable estimate of the sum of 78 and 119 is 197.
It is: 190+119 = 309
47 + 72 = 119.
17 and 7
119, 120, 121
2023-1015 = 1008
It is so very simple and quick to get the answer, especially since you can use the calculator that comes with your computer. But since you are not able to do so, the answer is 1429.
1015 can be written as the equivalent fraction 1015/1, 2030/2. etc.
1015 + 1050 = 2065