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Q: What the world would be like in 100 years?
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What do you thinck world would be like a hundread years from now?

i think the world 100 years from now will be filled with all new technoligies

What would the Great Barrier Reef be like in 100 years time?

it would be weird

What will be the world like after 100 years write essay?

In 100 years the technology will be even more advanced. Most probably a lot of new cures for diseases like cancer will be discovered.

How will the earth be in a 100 years?

we would be living in a robotic world...........robots will occupy the humans work

What would life be in 100 years?

There is no official, certain, way of knowing what will become of the world and life as we know it in 100 years. Anything could happen, and yet, nothing could change.

What types of strata rocks and fossils would've been found in West Virginia 100 million years ago?

West Virginia 100 million years ago would have been part of a shallow seaway, so you would find marine sedimentary rocks like limestone, sandstone, and shale. Fossils of marine life such as ammonites, bivalves, brachiopods, and possibly marine reptiles like mosasaurs might be discovered in these rocks.

What would happen if your backyard was not kept for 10 years 100 yeares?

In 10 years, everything would be overgrown. In 100 years, the envronment would have reverted to its natural state.

When is a Penny old?

"Old" is a relative term, and in the world of coins, an old coin would possibly be 100 years or older.

Are Abraham Lincoln's kids still alive?

they are not alive they would be so old like 100 years old.

What if DNA profiling was discovered 100 years earlier?

if it was discovered 100 years ago i believe racial conflict wouldn't have occurred because of evidence and proof. Also that we would be such a much more advance world then what we are today.

Can people live like 100 years?

It is very rare but there are people who live until 100 years.

When were you born if you are 100?

If I am 100 years old, I would have been born 100 years ago from the current date.