Well, it is not able to multiply with any whole number to receive 170. The easiest way to see this is to divide 170 with 7. Performing this procedure for a given set of number and its multiple always results in finding the other multiple:
170/7 ~ 24,29
Then, there is always the answer of dividing your whole number into fractions, meaning you will receive your sought number as x = 170/7. This is rather simple, since you just cancel out the 7's over and below the division line, to receive 170:
(170/7) x 7 = 170
As a product of its prime factors: 2*5*7 = 170
17 times 10
24.2857 times.
1.7 times.
7 times 2 times 4 equals 56.
170 kilograms equals 170 kilograms.
7 times 25 equals 175
7 times 1 equals 7, 3.5 x 2 = 7 etc.
11 times 7