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To do square root in excel you type SQRT and then whatever number you want to square root in brackets. For instance, if you want the square root of 13 in one cell, you would type =SQRT(13).

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Q: What to use square root in Excel?
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What is the square root of 32 in simplest form?

I cant use the square root symbol so lets use the word "root" to represent square root. The answer would be 4root2

What is 3 over the square root of 5?

You can get a decimal approximation with a calculator, with Excel, etc. But if you want to keep it as a square root, the "standard form" is considered to be one that has no square roots in the denominator. In this case, to get rid of the square root in the denominator, you multiply both numerator and denominator by the square root of 5, with the following result: 3 / root(5) = 3 root(5) / root(5) x root(5) = 3 root(5) / 5 That is, three times the square root of 5, divided by 5.

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-13 or +13 are both square root of 169, but we often use the positive square root, 13, as the principal square root.

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Use a calculator.

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Calculate the square root of 512 on any calculator, then multiply the result by 3.Note: If you actually mean the third root, this is NOT called the square root. You can calculate this in Excel with the formula: =512^(1/3) In other words, raise 512 to the power 1/3.

How do you square on excel?

Use "^2". ^ is Shift-6 on my keyboard.

Why do we square root in psychological research?

we use square root in statistics in psychological research for such things as standard deviationsl

How do you find the square root of 117?

Use a calculator with a square root button on it ;) By the way, Google said 10.8166538

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square root of 100034 = 316.28 you may use the online calculator linked below

How square root use in square room?

side into side = area of a square... no: into no: = square of that number..

How long is each side of a 10 square meter square?

Square root of 10. If you need decimals, use the calculator to calculate the square root of 10.

How do you type a square root sign with the number under it by keyboard?

The options available depend on the program you are using. In Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel), I suggest you use the equation editor for best results.