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A compiler

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Q: What translates a programming language statement line by line?
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Which programming language is always a one to one correspondence for a line of code in that language and a line of code in machine language?

Assembly language is the programming language that always has a one to one correspondence for a line of code in that language and a line of code in machine language

What role does an interpreter play in programming and how does it differ from a compiler?

An interpreter in programming translates and executes code line by line, while a compiler translates the entire code into machine language before execution. Interpreters are typically slower but allow for easier debugging and flexibility, while compilers are faster but require a separate compilation step before execution.

What do you mean by string in java programming?

A "string" in any programming language is a line of text.

Which one is better between Compiler and interpreter?

A compiler is a program that takes a programming language like that of java and then translates it into computer language for the software user. The interpreter just ( just like that of a human interpreter) takes the foreign language which would be that of the programming language and turns it into the machine code. Both of these programs take a high-level programming language and translates them into the machine code, but the interpreter is slower to translate than the compiler because of the fact it processes and interprets each statement many times.

Which type of translator program translates a high level language program on a line by line basis?

An interpreter.

What are the names of 2 type of language translators?

Two types of language translators are: a compiler, which translates the entire source code into machine code before running the program, and an interpreter, which translates and executes the source code line by line.

What is goto?

A statement found in many computer programming languages. It is a combination of the English words go and to. When executed it causes an unconditional transfer of control (a "jump") to another statement. The jumped-to statement is specified using some kind of label, which may be an identifier or a line number depending on the language. At the machine code level a goto is a form of branch or jump statement.

What is odh and 0ah instruction in assembly programming language?

0dh is for the ENTER KEY and the 0ah is for the NEW LINE

What is the difference between a readline statement and a writeline statement?

The readline statement method of programming will allow for the next statement in the sequence to be read. The writeline method of programming only allows for the current statement or sequence to be read after determining the end of the last line.

What is theobject oriented programming style?

When a programming language is "object-oriented" it means that the code is based (or oriented) around Objects as opposed to executing line by line. An object is any value, variable, function, or data structure.

What is the meaning of programmer in c language?

PROGRAMMERThe person who both designs/writes the program code is called: The programmer.PROGRAMMING LANGUAGEThe program code itself is called: The programming language.INTERPRETER/COMPILERMost programming languages use 'high level' english based commands...but computers only know how to read 'low level' machine code numbers, instead.This means that in order for such programming languages to work; then, there needs to be some form of intermediary translation program; which can translate from 'high level' english down to 'low level' machine code numbers.Programming languages are either:interpreted(translates just 'one' single line of code at a time into machine code language/such programming languages tend to run more every single line needs to be 'interpreted', first)compiled(translates 'all' of the program code lines into machine code language/complied code runs extremely fast because it doesn't need any further translating)QBASIC, is an interpreted programming language.C/C++, are both compiled programming languages

What is an Interpreter used for in programming?

An interpreter is a computer program that executes the instructions written in a high level programming language. It can also preform the translation of a high level language to equivalent machine level code. But unlike compiler, an interpreter will compile the code line by line, i.e. each line will be translated to machine level language.Read more: What_ias_computer_interpreter