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(1) the distance from the heel to the metatarsophalangeal joint an (2) the distance from the heel to the end of the longest toe

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Q: What two measurements must be considered when fitting shoes?
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When riding a bicycle, proper clothing is a must. No loose fitting clothing should be used, it might get caught in the chain system. Loose fiiting shoes are a definite no no.

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Depending on what you're shopping for. If you're shopping for food or toiletries clothes (because the others are worn out) then it would be considered a must but if it is for a new pair of Versace shoes, Gucci handbags, Lacoste polos constantly then i suppose it would be considered a hobby.

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To prevent calluses on toes, wear well-fitting shoes to prevent friction and rubbing. Moisturize your feet regularly to keep the skin soft and hydrated. Consider using toe separators or padding to reduce pressure on specific areas of the toes.

What two measurements must you use to find an accurate measurements?

I don't know, that's why i asked !!:DD I'm guessing its some kind of two measurements!xD

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Yes they must be in the same units of measurements.

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For two measurements to be a conversion factor, they must represent the same quantity but in different units. The ratio should equal 1 and can be written as a fraction where the units cancel out, allowing you to convert from one unit to another.

Do olympic participants have to wear shoes?

When they are competing in their sport they must wear shoes - water sports of course do not require shoes.