46 can be divided by these numbers without leaving a remainder: 1 2 23 and 46.
The prime factors of 46 are 2 and 23.
Even composite numbers can, odd composite numbers can't.
46 can be divided by these numbers without leaving a remainder: 1 2 23 and 46.
You can't add any two even numbers to get 23.You can't subtract any two even numbers to get 23.You can't multiply any two even numbers to get 23.About the only thing you can do is divide, like 46 divided by 2, or 92 divided by 4, etc.There are an infinite number of those that work.
46 is equal to 46. No other number is equal to 46.
1 & 46 or 2 & 23
All even number can be divided by 2, and 46 and 50 are both even numbers.
46. 92 divided by 2 is 46.
If you mean five even consecutive numbers added together, it is 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50. 42+44+46+48+50=230. To get this, I divided 230 by five, (46) then counted down two to the next even number, (44), down another two (42) then started at 46 and went up two to 48, then another two to 50. Then, to check, I added them together.