It's 2 and 43.
To find two numbers that multiply to 301, we need to factorize 301. The prime factorization of 301 is 7 x 43. Therefore, the two numbers that multiply to 301 are 7 and 43.
It's 2 and 43.
To find two numbers that multiply to 301, we need to factorize 301. The prime factorization of 301 is 7 x 43. Therefore, the two numbers that multiply to 301 are 7 and 43.
43 is a prime number. So, 43 can only be produced as a product of 1 times 43.
To find the answer, you must multiply the two numbers you have: 43 * 1204 = 51772 Therefore: 51772 / 43 = 1204
It is not possible to multiply two prime numbers and get 90. You can add 43 and 47.