The GCF is 1.
Since 23 is a prime number, the greatest common factor of the two numbers is 1.
No. The GCF of any two numbers is also a factor of their difference. The difference between consecutive numbers is 1 so their GCF must also be a factor of 1. The only factor of 1 is 1 - and hence the result.
If the GCF of two numbers p and q is 7, then the GCF of p2 and q2 is 14.
GCF(1, 5, 10) = 1. The GCF of any set of numbers containing 1 must be 1.
Consecutive numbers have a GCF of 1.
If one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, the smaller number is the GCF. If the two numbers are prime numbers, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive even numbers, the GCF is 2.
The GCF is: 1.
The two numbers are coprime so their GCF is 1.
The GCF of the given two numbers is 1
The GCF of the given two numbers is 1
4 and 9 have a GCF of 1
It can be. Consecutive integers have a GCF of 1.
Find their GCF. If the GCF of two numbers is 1, the numbers are co-prime.
These two numbers are relatively prime. The GCF is 1.
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF, but the GCF of 1 and any other number will be one.