Well, darling, if you're looking for the dynamic duo that multiplies to 145, look no further than 5 and 29. They may not be Batman and Robin, but they sure know how to get the job done. So, there you have it, 5 times 29 equals 145. Case closed.
what numbers that can be multiplied and result to 145?
Two consecutive two digit numbers that when multiplied give the product of 812 are 28 and 29.
16 and 15
11 and -1 but there is an infinite number of numbers that work.
what numbers that can be multiplied and result to 145?
There are infinitely many pairs of numbers that can be multiplied to make 145. For example, 1*145, 10*14.5, 100*1.45, 5*29
Two consecutive two digit numbers that when multiplied give the product of 812 are 28 and 29.
16 and 15
-4 and -4
8 & 16
8 and 9
91 and 2
11 and -1 but there is an infinite number of numbers that work.