Many examples, starting with 1 and 480. The prime factors of 480 are given by 1x2x2x2x2x2x3x5. Split this lot into two groups and each group will give a number, and when you multiply the two together you'll get 480. There is also an infinity of products, using fractions, such as 0.5 x 960.
Two consecutive two digit numbers that when multiplied give the product of 812 are 28 and 29.
16 and 15
11 and -1 but there is an infinite number of numbers that work.
3 multiplied by 3 = 9 Apart from 9 and 1, no other whole numbers give that result when multiplied.
Two consecutive two digit numbers that when multiplied give the product of 812 are 28 and 29.
16 and 15
-4 and -4
8 & 16
8 and 9
91 and 2
11 and -1 but there is an infinite number of numbers that work.
9 and negative 24