The prime factors of 105 are 5, 3 and 7. So to work out which two numbers have 105 as an LCM, we just have to share these factors between the two numbers, and add in any duplicates we want. For instance:
5x3 = 15
3x7 = 21
So 15 and 21 have a LCM of 105.
7x5 = 35
3x5 = 15
So 35 and 15 have a LCM of 105.
And so on.
75 and 150, among others.
To find pairs of numbers with 10 as their least common multiple, we need to consider the prime factors of 10, which are 2 and 5. One pair of numbers could be 2 and 10, as their least common multiple is 10. Another pair could be 5 and 10, as their least common multiple is also 10. These pairs have 10 as their least common multiple because they share the prime factors of 10.
35 and 70, among others.
The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
Select ALL pairs of numbers that have a least common multiple of 30
2 and 13
How about: 3 and 4
10 and 35
They are 7 and 5
1 and 7
The LCM is: 30
1 and 7