Square root of 125 is an irrational number and its approximate value is 11.180. So it lies between 11 and 12.
square root of 125/80 = 1.25 or 5/4
root 2 x root 53
These whole numbers go evenly into 125: 1, 5, 25, 125.
The square root of 125 is 11.180
Square root of 125 is an irrational number and its approximate value is 11.180. So it lies between 11 and 12.
11 is the square root
The sets of numbers that are the Square root of 5 are: 25 125
The square root of 125 in radical form is 5 x (square root of 5).
The square root of 15625 is ±125 because 125 X 125= 15625.
11.180339....11.18 rounds to 11.2.The square root of 125 is about 11.18
The cube root of 125 is 5; the square of 5 is 25.
square root of 125/80 = 1.25 or 5/4
sqrt(125) = 11.18034 cube root is 5.
1) 125 is the square root of 15625. 2) √125 = √(25 x 5) = √(52x 5) = 5√5