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Q: What type of chart is limited to one data series and compares each part of a whole?
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Which chart compares relative values of different categories to the whole?

The Doughnut chart and pie chart, compares relative values of different categories to the whole

Compares sizes of pieces as part of a whole used for a single series of numbers in excel?

A pie chart.

Which type of chart is best for charting data that is a percentage of a whole?

a pie a pie chart compares from a whole known and 100.

Which type of graph compares a part to a whole?

A pie chart

Which graph compares parts to a whole?

A percentage stacked-bar chart or a pie chart are two common ways.

What chart is used to represent the contribution of each component of one series of daa to the whole?

pie chart

Is a pie chart good for plotting statistical correlations?

No. It is good for showing how each data point compares to the whole data set.

What is the difference between a lin chart and apie chart?

They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.They are different in a number of ways. First visually. A line chart can have one or more lines. A pie chart is a circle divided into slices. A line chart can have more than one series. A pie chart has only one series. A line chart tracks how things change, often over a period of time. A pie chart demonstrates how much each part makes up of the whole lot.

What is the difference between a pie chart and column chart?

A pie chart is round with "slices" to identify data items. A column chart is a series of columns to identify data items. A pie chart allows you to see how all the parts fit into the whole. A column chart allows you to compare all the parts with each other.

What compares data as part of a whole?

A fraction.

Differences between a pie chart and a bar chart?

The most obvious thing is that they look different. A pie chart is circular whereas a bar chart consists of bars of different lengths. A pie chart can only be used for one series of data, to see how each part contributes to the whole thing, by seeing the various pie slices and their sizes as part of the whole pie. Bar charts can consist of more than one series and compare different things to each other and can show trends.

How many different vampires are there in the whole series?

There is a chart in the back of Breaking Dawn that lists all of the vampires and the covens they belong to. Also, has a thorough list of all of the characters in the series.