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Q: What type of radiation is assigned a value of zero mass and zero charge?
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What types of radiation has no mass and no charge?

Gamma radiation

Does electromagnetic radiation has mass and charge?

have, not has, and I would assume that it has electrons to be electromagnetic radiation, and therefore mass

What are protons found in an atom and what electrical charge and mass do they have?

Protons are found in the nucleus of the atom. They possess a positive (+) charge and their mass is 1.6726219 × 10-27 kilograms. This is usually assigned a value of 1 Atomic Mass unit (amu).

Where are protons found in an atom and what electrical charge and mass do they have?

Protons are found in the nucleus of the atom. They possess a positive (+) charge and their mass is 1.6726219 × 10-27 kilograms. This is usually assigned a value of 1 atomic mass unit (amu).

What high-energy radiation has no charge and 1 mass?


What type of radiation has neither charge nor mass?


Which type of radiation has no mass or charge?

Free radiation I suppose. But gamma radiation, is charge free. As is UV, IR, ... ..

Which type of radiation has a negligible mass and a charge of plus 1?

This is a positron.

Does gamma radiation have no mass?

No Gamma Rays do not have mass. All electromagnetic radiation has no mass.

What type of radiation has a mass of 4 amu and a 2 plus charge?

Alpha radiation, which is the same as helium-4 nuclei.

Alpha or beta types of radiation is composed of particles with a charge and mass identical to that of an electron?


What is the charge of alpha particles?

+2 (2 x the absolute value of the charge of an electron).