The unit of measure typically used to measure a hammer is ounces or pounds. This is because hammers are typically categorized by their weight, which can range from a few ounces to several pounds. The weight of a hammer is an important factor in determining its effectiveness for different tasks and the amount of force it can deliver.
Which unit would you use to measure the water in a full tub?
to measure a small trashcan
I would use kilometers.
The answer will depend on what attribute of the hammer: its mass, weight, length, etc you wanted to measure.
You would use the unit of measure called "kilograms" to measure the mass of an elephant.
Which unit would you use to measure the water in a full tub?
I would use feet
You would use meters.
You would typically use a unit of weight, such as grams or ounces, to measure a cherry.
You would use area. I would use the meter2. Okay
The Unit Used To Measure A Train Can Be Kilometer.
You would typically use the metric unit of centimeters to measure the growth of your hair.
You would use Volume.
if i were you , i would use kg