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The constant variable is usually the 'X' variable or the variable that stays the same. For example, it may be the 'X' variable or the same number.

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Q: What variable mentioned in Table 2-1 is kept constant?
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Which variable mentioned in table 2 1 is kept constant?

In Table 2.1, the variable that is typically kept constant is referred to as the control variable. This variable is maintained at a consistent level across different experimental conditions to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable can be attributed to the manipulation of the independent variable.

What factor is kept constant?

The factor that is kept constant in an experiment is called the controlled variable. It is important to keep this variable constant to accurately measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

What is a variable that kept constant in an experiment?

A variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called a controlled variable. This variable is deliberately kept the same throughout the experiment to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable are due to the changes in the independent variable.

What means the variable that must be kept constant?

What variables must be kept constant

What is a variable that is kept constant in a experiment?

A variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called a controlled variable. These variables are kept consistent or unchanged to ensure that any observed changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.

What is the name of the variable that is kept constant in an experiment?

The variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called the control variable. It is important to keep this variable consistent so that any changes in the outcome of the experiment can be attributed to the variable being tested.

What is the Variable kept the same?

In an experiment, the variable that is intentionally kept the same or constant is called the controlled variable. This allows researchers to isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

How many variables are kept constant in a experiment?

All variables except one, the experimental variable, are kept constant in an experiment.

What do you call the variable in an experiment that do not change?

Control Variable

What Factor does not vary in a experiment?

The control variable, also known as the constant variable, does not vary in an experiment. It is kept constant to ensure that any changes observed are the result of the independent variable being tested.

What is the controlled variable in a science fair experiment?

The controlled variable is the variable that is kept constant , meaning not changed, throughout the entire experiment.

What is the constant variable?

factors in an experiment that are kept the same and not allowed to change or vary.