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He was wearing nothing when he shouted eureka.

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Q: What was Archimedes wearing when he shouted eureka?
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Related questions

Who shouted eureka?

Archimedes shouted eureka ! eureka !

What mathematician shouted eureka?

Archimedes shouted eureka.

Who shouted Eureka when he got in the bath?

Archimedes shouted Eureka when he got in the bath!

Who was the name of the person who firsted shouted Eureka?

Greek mathematician and engineer Archimedes

What was the name of the Greek philosopher who shouted out Eureka?

it was Archimedes he shouted it after he discovered that thing about the bath. He filled it up and steeped init and realized it over flowed, so without bothering to get dressed he ran down the street screaming Eureka!(I have found it).

What scientist shouted eureka whilst taking a bath?

Archimedes is the scientist who shouted "Eureka" while taking a bath. He made this exclamation when he discovered a method for determining the volume of an irregular object using water displacement.

Why did aristotie say eureka?

Aristotle did not say "Eureka." The exclamation "Eureka" is attributed to Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, who reportedly shouted it when he discovered a method to determine the purity of a gold crown. The word "Eureka" means "I have found it" in Greek.

Who shouted saying Eureka after getting into a bath?

Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor, is said to have exclaimed "Eureka!" when he discovered the principle of buoyancy while taking a bath. This event is a famous anecdote illustrating a moment of sudden insight or discovery.

Which famous scientist shouted Eureka Eureka?


Did Einstein ever shout eureka while taking a bath?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein ever shouted "Eureka" while taking a bath. The story of Archimedes shouting "Eureka" is famous in mathematical history, but there is no similar account involving Einstein.

Who say eureka?


Who invented eureka can?
