Pythagoras was born around 575 b.c., the exact date is not known.
how one day we find out
IT is believed that Pythagoras fled from the city to Metapontum and died of self-starvation. Another theory is that he was killed along with his followers. There is no accurate account of his death, however.
About 2510 years ago.
Pythagoras was believed to die at 99 years old because of all the dates leading up to his death
Pythagoras was born around 575 b.c., the exact date is not known.
This question is incorrect grammar.
about 500 BC
Eaten by gorillas
No one knows.
c. 495 BC
how one day we find out
He died in 500 B.C.
IT is believed that Pythagoras fled from the city to Metapontum and died of self-starvation. Another theory is that he was killed along with his followers. There is no accurate account of his death, however.
IT is believed that Pythagoras fled from the city to Metapontum and died of self-starvation. Another theory is that he was killed along with his followers. There is no accurate account of his death, however.
About 2510 years ago.
he died 495 BC