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Hindu-Arabic numerals

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Q: What was the number system that originated in India?
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How did achievements that originated in India such as the number system spread to the other parts of the world?


Who developed the number system we use today?

The number system that we use today is called the Hindu-Arabic system and it originated in India in the 6th or 7th century.

How numbers of number system originated from 0 to 9?

They originated from the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

Did the ancient Indians invent the base 10 number system?

by Indians what do you mean... and no the sumerians did Actually it originated in India by Indian mathematicians. search decimal in wikipedia. it tells about it

Which philosophy originated in China and India?

Buddhism originated in India, while Confucianism and Taoism originated in China.

Where is hinduisum originated?

Hinduism was originated in India.

Where does Hinduism originated?


What is a number system originating in India?

decimal system.

Where was Number system invented?


How did India invent that number system?

India did not invent the number system. Indian mathematicians introduced the concept of zero. This was a key development that led to our number system which is based on place-values.

What four major religions originated in India?

Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhidm originated in India

How did the roman number system origate?

It originated from the Etruscan numerals system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.