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To not have to walk

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Q: What was the purpose of inventing the elevator?
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Did Leopold invent the elevator?

Electric elevator was invented by German inventor Werner Von Siemen in 1880. So,Leopoldhas nothing to do with inventing elevator- Tashita.

What is the purpose of a passenger elevator?

Main purpose of an elevator is to enable the vertical transportation. So, depends on what it is carying,it can be differentiate like passenger elevator,frieght elevator etc..... Hence the main purpose of the passanger elevator is to enable the vertical transportation to the human(passenger).

Why is Alexander miles so important?

He is so important because he invented the elevator. And if it wasnt for him inventing the elevator we woulndt be able to get on the elevator and every body would have to take the stairs all the time.

What is elisha Otis best known for?

Elisha Otis is best known for inventing the first elevator

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so you can communicate

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to color

What purpose does the elevator serve?

The elevator makes it easier for elderly and handicapp people to get around.

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The purpose of inventing the machine gun was to have better fire power during the wars to defends places and win positions and the war.

Why was the purpose of inventing the meat slicer?

Slicing meat.

Did elisha Otis win an award?

Elisha Otis did not win a specific award, but he is credited with inventing the safety elevator and founding the Otis Elevator Company in 1853. His invention revolutionized the elevator industry and played a pivotal role in modern urban development.

What is the purpose of an elevator traveling cable?

to supply electricity

What was the purpose of inventing cars?

It was to replace horses as a means of transportation.