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The very first calculator ever used could be an abicus, an electronic calculator, or even your brain. The first calculator invented was the abacus.

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Q: What was the very first calculator used?
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What was the first calculator used for?

the first ever calculator was said to be used by Blaise Pascal's father to count his money.

Which invented first computer or calculator?

calculator and human computers used them.

When was the first calculator used in India?


What could the first calculator do?

suprisingly the very first calculator could only add and subtract no mulitpling or diving just add and sub :) not very good, some calculators can be used to text friend on the other side of the class room in our days :) cya - hope it answered the question :)

What is a mileage calculator used for?

A mileage calculator is used to determinate what are your daily or weekly needs on gasoline. This can be very helpful when you have to save money on gasoline.

What was the calculator used for?

A calculator is used to find mathematical equation that are very difficult. Calculators also help to make life easier with the use of technology.

What do the calculator do?

suprisingly the very first calculator could only add and subtract no mulitpling or diving just add and sub :) not very good, some calculators can be used to text friend on the other side of the class room in our days :) cya - hope it answered the question :)

What is the name of the first manual calculator?

i am used to count some call this a manual calculator it's also called abacus

How was the first calculator powered?

The answer depends on how you define calculator. The first calculators were people. Blaise Pascal built a kind of calculator in the 17 century. It was powered by a human turning a knob or pulling a crank. The first widely used desk calculators were powered by electricity.

Where was the calculator first launched?

The first calculator was never launched, because it was in fact a mechanical calculator.

Can a Texas instrument graphing calculator also be used as a scientific calculator?

A Texas Instruments graphing calculator can be used as a basic calculator, a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator.

Calculator was invented by?

The history of the calculator begins with the abacus was a sort of hand operated mechanical calculator using beads on rods. It was first used by Sumerians and Egyptians around 2000 BC.