They used different types of measurements in different time periods. Mostly imperial in the last two hundred years though.
3285 days old. If we counted by days, you'd be really old.
You lived 4278 days. Today on 03/20/2008, you are 4787 days old
If exactly 109 years old that is 10 x 365 days per year = 3650 days; add 2 days for leap year makes 3652 days
If it's not counting leap years, then 85X365 is 31025 days old.
Measurements are probably as old as mankind.People have always needed to measure something.
Via astronomical measurements.
Kilometers are measurements of length, not time.
You would be 3,285 days old. I am 4,380 days old.
Yes - those measurements are well within normal for a 13 year old girl who is 5'6".
3285 days old. If we counted by days, you'd be really old.
2 days old 2 days old
4017.75 days old
2737849516,63 years equal one billion days with the provision that the current time measurements are constant
4018 days