The number 39.948 is closer to 40 than to 39. This is because when determining proximity, we look at the whole number portion first, which in this case is 39. Since 39.948 is closer to 40 on the number line, it would be considered closer to 40 than to 39.
Since 75 is a whole number itself, there's no other whole number that's closer to itthan the distance it is from itself.If you want the whole number that's closest to 75 and also not equal to it, then74 and 76 are tied for that honor.
0.02 is bigger coz its closer to a whole that 0.01
The square of 57 is 3249 The square root of 57 is closer to 8.
69 is a whole number, so there's no different whole number that's any closer to it.
These: 1 x 3091, 11 x 281
The positive integer factors of 3091 are: 1, 11, 281, 3091
It is 8.
7.9 is closest to a whole number.
.22 is closer to zero than to one.
463 is a whole number. So there's no different whole numberthat's any closer to it than it already is.
69 is a whole number, so there's no different whole number that's any closer to it.
The number 39.948 is closer to 40 than to 39. This is because when determining proximity, we look at the whole number portion first, which in this case is 39. Since 39.948 is closer to 40 on the number line, it would be considered closer to 40 than to 39.
The phone number of the Thayer Public Library is: 417-264-3091.
Ah, isn't that a lovely number, 5.47? Let's give it a warm hug and round it to the nearest whole number. When we do that, 5.47 becomes 5. And just like that, it's all cozy and snug as a bug in a rug.
The phone number of the Carterville City Museum is: 618-985-3091.