The absolute value of the answer is the difference between the absolute values of the two numbers and the sign associated with it is the same as that of the number with the greater absolute value.
A zero pair is when one pairs a positive counter and a negative counter.
There is no such pair.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idc
Add together the lengths of all four sides of the parallelogram, or,add together the lengths of a pair of adjacent sides and then double the result.
There is no pair of real numbers or pure imaginary numbers that can do that.The pair that can is the conjugate pair of complex numbers [ 1/2 ± 1/2 sqrt(79) i ] .
The absolute value of the answer is the difference between the absolute values of the two numbers and the sign associated with it is the same as that of the number with the greater absolute value.
additive inverse property
"Opposites" cannot mean additive opposites since, by definition, their sum must be 0. So "opposites" is likely to mean multiplicative opposites. This gives the equation x + 1/x = 100 Then the two numbers are 0.010010 and 99.989999 to 6 dp.
The term SUM means add and DIFFERRENCE means subtract. They are opposites.